My dad is the greatest! I know everybody thinks their dad is, but my dad is the real deal. Who's dad taught them to drive at 8? My dad. Who's dad taught them how to drive a 20+ foot box van for their driving test? My dad. Who's dad taught them to love the outdoors? My dad. Who's dad taught them how to fish? My dad. Who's dad carries a fishing pole in his truck at all times? My dad. Who's dad taught them to dutch oven cook? My dad. Who's dad taught them to use a gun? My dad. Who's dad loves to play practical jokes? You guessed it, my dad. Who's dad was there when his daughter was going off the deep end of life and was there to catch her? MY DAD. Thank you dad for all the things I have seem you do in my life and for all the things I haven't seem you do, that you have done. I'm sad that my kids don't get to know you as I know you, and don't get to love you as I love you.
That's very sweet! What an awesome dad you have:)
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