The girls loves the snow. They loved it until they were cold then declared that they were cold in side their bodies and needed hot chocolate.

Dylan and Victoria made a snowman, he was bigger, but it snowed and he got buried.
We also had the big family pictures done while we were there and the whole family was together.


My sister Randel, Steve, Tyler and Kenadie

My sister Trudy, Charles, Johnathan, Angie, Jaida and Tajuiq(I don't know how to spell his name, he is Charles' son).

My brother whom I forgot to flip the picture, Paul, sorry Paul

And the two that started all of this craziness, my parents

My parents trying to get all the grandkids to sit still and look at the camera.

The original Gibbons Family, before it grew.

The girls and poor Little Boy, that's what we call Paul.

Poor Little Boy got kissed by all of his sisters.

Great pics! With all those kids I am amazed that they all turned out so well.
these are great pictures! the one of your family is wonderful everyone is looking and everything... how do you do it?!
Poor Paul... kissed by girls... I am glad that your parents see Charles' son as theirs. I think your parents are great, wanna trade? Never mind, I'm okay being an unofficial member of your family. Cute pics even though I'm not in them...
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