On Sat. it was 70 degrees here and now there is a lot of heavy snow. There is 5 inches out there right now, I just took this picture.
I couldn't decide which picture to use so you get them all.
Yes I'm still wearing my flip the snow it doesn't matter.
Dylan is getting braces on Wed. Well not really braces, she is getting a Dewey Appliance. It is like a retainer but straightens teeth. She is loving school and LOVES the snow.
Victoria is upset that we could not find her a pre-school and really misses Getz and Escalante. She has fallen in LOVE with Scooby-Doo and wants to watch it all the time, she is watching it right now as I am typing.
Wes loves to help grandpa outside. He loves outside, you turn around and he has opened the door and is out.
Paige has taken a long time to really warm up to the change. She loves my brother and if he is here she is usually on his lap.
Piper is Piper. Her asthma was doing great until late last week. We haven't been giving her breathing treatments at all until last week. She sits with my mom and they do the treatment together.
Right after we moved in our stake and ward went though a lot of changes. Our stake got a few new wards from another stake and the all the wards were reorganized. So there were a lot of changes in all the organizations. There were also a lot of hurt feelings and upset people, but things are much better now.
Ross is working for Jordan School District in the mornings and attending U of U at night. We get to see him a little more then we used to. He was just called to be the Sunday School Pres. Lucky for him the previous Pres. filled all the callings and got all the classed in order so he doesn't have to worry about much. Thanks Dad. My dad was the Sunday School Pres. now he is the High Priest Group Leader.
As for is good. I was called as a Gospel Doctrine teacher, thanks Dad, and I love it. When Ross was called to be Pres. he said,"I guess I'm in charge of you now." I just let him believe whatever he wants to.
So there you have it. We are all alive and well. Sorry it has been so long I just get lost in our lives and I couldn't find my USB cable. I promise to do better in the future.
I can't remember when Victoria turns 5, but they've changed the rules here in Tempe, you have to be 5 years old by Aug. 31st or you cannot be in kindergarten. I was thinking of your Victoria when the decision was announced and was wondering how things were there for you guys!
Love you!
Glad you are back into blogging again! I was wondering where you went:) It sounds like your family has adjusted pretty well. I can't believe that snow! It was 91 degrees the other day, crazy...
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